Web page page views last 30 days: 381,016. Monthly average over the last year: 401,590.
Facebook users reached in the past 28 days: 121,170
Print circulation includes mail/pickup distribution in Bates, Vernon, St. Clair, Henry and Cass counties in Missouri; Linn and Miami counties in Kansas.
Prices per week:
2x2 BW $28 C $36
2x3 BW $42 C $54
2x5 BW $70 C $90
2x10 BW $140 C $180
3x5 BW $105 C $135
3x10 BW $210 C $270
5x1 BW $35 C $45
5x5 BW $175 C $225
5x10 BW $350 C $450
Classifieds 20 words $9, + .10 extra word
News/weather/trivia sponsor ~30 words $20
Bible verse sponsor ~20 words $10
Web only
2x2 right or left side home page $40/month
Page sponsor $300/year
Include print ad in Shopper feed +$10
Online Shopper display ad- print price x .3
Online Shopper classified- same as print
Exclusive ad placed in news story- .1 x print price
Audio/video-web only
Market podcast $40/week
Daily Newsminute podcast sponsor (2 total) $50/wk
15 sec video ad $50/week
Daily video news sponsor 2x2 $25/wk
10% off for monthly commitment/billing. Other discounts will apply for longer periods as well.
If you have questions or are ready to place your ad today, call 913-219-4900 or email us at midshopper@gmail.com
Our office is located at 5 W. Dakota, Butler Mo 64730 Hours 8 am to 4 pm Monday through Friday.
Mid America Live and the Mid America Shopper are owned by News Now LLC, as licensed in the state of Missouri