Members of the Adrian Fire Department are seeking help for one of their own
On Saturday May 7th 2022 Adrian Firefighter, Jeremy Cassaday was involved in a motorcycle accident in the Clinton area. Jeremy was transported by air ambulance to Kansas City in critical condition. Due to the extent of injuries Jeremy has suffered he will be hospitalized for an unknown amount of time and will be unable to return to work for weeks/months to come.
The Adrian Volunteer Fire Department along with members of the Disciples of Christ #1277 Christian Motorcycle Association, both of which Jeremy is an active member, will be joining together Saturday May 14th in hosting a boot block fund raising event in Adrian & Passaic from 8am-4pm.
If you can help the family in any way, we know it will be appreciated.
100% of donations will be given directly to the Cassaday family
An account has been set up at Citizens Bank for any donations you would like to make directly. The account is CARING FOR THE CASSADAYS
Please continue to pray for the family during this long road of recovery